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![]() 我们Ecoproduct采用优质水稻,大麦(青稞)和荞麦,豌豆和燕麦壳,进行不同等级的超微粉碎,并组织这些产品用于直接消费和食品供应。 我们的产品包装为牛皮纸袋,25公斤和50公斤,聚乙烯内衬。 在农业生产中,这些产品有良好的表现。 通过添加微小颗粒的矿物质饲料shungite,动物,鸟类和鱼类的后代健康出生率提高12%,动物产奶量平均提高9 - 12%,动物产蛋率增加,产蛋的蛋壳厚度增加。 我们将矿物质shungite进行馏分研磨,得到矿物质饲料shungite,我们相信,凭借shungite的各种优异性能,必能对人类和环境产生积极的影响。 中国进出口网 about company The main focus of "Ecoproduct" is to provide consumers and producers with crushed products for direct consumption and for further production. LLC "Ecoproduct" carries superfine grinding of rice, barley (barley) and buckwheat, peas and oat husks and organizes the supply of these products for direct consumption and for food. Packaging kraft (paper) bags with polyethylene liner of 25... [详细介绍/Details] |